Hi, I am Alex!

I moved in with my partner a while ago and I developed this template for us!

We found it so useful we wanted to share it! Organize your house, your task and you house budget all in one place!

The structure

The template is based on three different databases:

1. Task and purchases

This is the “low level” database, with everything you need for the maintenance and improvement of your house. Here you can store what do you want to buy, add a link to where you can buy it, write how much it costs and in which month you want to buy it in order to stay within the budget.

2. Objects and stuff

This database contains all objects around the house. Here you can save in which room you stored them and add a note to be even more precise.

No more “Honey, do you remember where we put the Christmas lights?”. Super useful, especially while moving.

3. Rooms

The Rooms database is useful to organize what you want to buy and do around the house. You can assign a budget to each room and see how much you spent already.

Inside each room you can see everything you need to buy and do; you can see all objects inside the room a breakdown of the expenses.

Task and purchases


This database is very straightforward. You add things you need to buy or do, and categorize them.